Last month, the El Camino Health project team led the first of two Dress Rehearsal events for the new Taube Pavilion. Taube Pavilion is a new, state-of-the-art building dedicated to providing mental health and addiction services to the local community.
By incorporating Dress Rehearsal simulation events into the transition and activation project plan, the staff is provided the opportunity to validate the operational plans and workflows that the transition team developed during the earlier phases of the project. Validating equipment and system functionalities, confirming new locations for supplies, and real-time issue resolution are a handful of benefits that stakeholders note as positives of the day. As issues are identified, they are recorded, triaged, and prioritized in the Operations Center by organizational leadership representatives.
“Working with El Camino Health’s Mental Health and Addiction Services staff has been an incredibly valuable experience,” said lead Yellow Brick Project Manager Ali Broders. “I have learned so much from the team about the challenges that their patients face and am inspired by the care that the staff provides. The unique requirements of the patient population were accounted for in every aspect of the building’s design. Dress Rehearsal was a great opportunity to work with the staff to operationalize the safety features of the space.”
El Camino is currently in the process of managing the issues identified during the first event in preparation for Dress Rehearsal #2. Yellow Brick is proud to be working with El Camino Health as they prepare for the activation of this facility that will serve the community for years to come.