Tabletop Dress Rehearsal Success at Marina Del Rey Hospital

The Yellow Brick team was onsite at Marina Del Rey Hospital on Friday, August 31st to conduct a series of Tabletop Dress Rehearsal sessions. The day was led by Kelly Guzman and Kathy Stevenson to review the design developed by the projects architecture team. End-users from several departments reviewed departmental adjacencies and ran through customized scenarios developed by Yellow Brick to ensure the facility will support the operational needs of the staff and overall patient experience.

“It’s a very special experience to be able to work with the HDR (the Design Team) and the end users to evaluate the program before the plans are finalized,” said Kelly. “The staff were very engaged and provided invaluable input to the team.”

The Yellow Brick team will be working with the project team at MDRH to provide clinical and operational design consultation and help prepare the project for the next stage- transition planning.